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Saturday, 27 November 2010

Are Bullies forever?

How does that small pig looking boy somehow shepherd the bigger boys into a vicious onslaught against Public Enemy No.1, AKA the normal guy in the corner?

Bullies never ever target the "normal" guy. There's always something. It may be that the guy or girl is rather attractive and the bully recognises it as a threat regardless of whether the person they are targetting realises it or not. Other than that if someone is particularly smart or talented, the bully will have an inferiority complex.

 Ironically, it is the people who are a little bit odd themselves who often tend to target others. They subconsciously arrive at the conclusion that if someone else is having a bad time then they aren't having one themselves.

People apparently grow out of the bullying stage once they become mature. This is a huge lie. Why would a bully who has somehow made friends doing what he does best then stop once he gets to the next section of his life? If you start school with someone at the age of 13 and are in contact with that person for the next 5 years then that person won't grow old in your eyes. You still act in the same way.

When you leave school you just get put straight back into the whole system but this time with even more vicious people. People who are motivated to earn more than you and will happily sweep you under the carpet if they get the chance...

The protagonist in a story based around a bully will always end with the bully getting his miserable self loathing arse handed to him, usually by the bullied who eventually snaps. This, ladies and gents may not be the way forward, but by all means is a damn good way to get some old fashioned raw anger out of yourself. However the consequences of not snapping are worse. Not dealing with an issue and suppressing it is the best way of becoming stressed which has far more negative effects later on...I'm going to rehash some ideas into a less of a rant and post again on the subject soon, maybe Bullyface the 2nd.
Mr Lear

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